14 Top-Rated Backlink Checker Tools to Monitor the Competition

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Looking to stay ahead of the competition? Check out our list of the 14 top-rated backlink checker tools for monitoring your competition. With real-time insights and expert-recommended options, these tools will help you optimize your SEO strategy and improve your search rankings. Don't miss out on these must-have tools for any serious online marketer.

Good to know...

How do backlink checker tools work?

Backlink checker tools work by analyzing a website's backlink profile, which is the collection of links pointing to that website from other sites on the internet. These tools use web crawlers to scour the internet and find links to the target website, and then analyze the data to provide insights into the quantity and quality of those links.

To analyze the backlink profile of a website, backlink checker tools typically look at metrics such as:

  1. Number of backlinks: The total number of links pointing to a website.
  2. Link quality: The quality of the websites linking to a target website, as determined by factors such as domain authority, page authority, and trustworthiness.
  3. Link anchor text: The words used in the hyperlink that links to a website, which can provide clues about the relevance and context of the linked content.
  4. Link location: The location of the link on the linking website, which can affect its perceived value and authority.
  5. Link context: The content surrounding the link on the linking website, which can provide additional context and relevance to the linked content.

Backlink checker tools may also provide insights into changes in a website's backlink profile over time, such as new links, lost links, or changes in the quality of links.

Overall, backlink checker tools can be a valuable resource for understanding a website's backlink profile and identifying opportunities for improving its overall link building strategy.


For online marketing, backlinks are important for several reasons:

  1. Search engine rankings: Backlinks are a key factor in determining a website's search engine ranking. Search engines consider the number and quality of backlinks to a site as a signal of its authority and relevance. The more high-quality backlinks a site has, the higher it is likely to rank in search results.
  2. Referral traffic: Backlinks can drive referral traffic to a website. When a user clicks on a link to a website from another site, they are referred to as referral traffic. Backlinks from high-traffic sites can generate a significant amount of referral traffic to a website.
  3. Brand building: Backlinks can help to build brand awareness and credibility. When a website is linked to from a reputable site, it can increase the perceived trustworthiness of the linked site, and contribute to its overall brand building efforts.
  4. Relationship building: Backlinks can also help to build relationships between websites. When one site links to another, it can open up opportunities for collaboration, guest posting, and other forms of online partnership.

Overall, backlinks play a crucial role in a website's online visibility, traffic, and authority, and are an essential component of any effective SEO strategy.


If you are going to pay for tool to monitor backlinks, its also important to try some of the most popular methods to increase backlinks. 

Here are some common backlink strategies that can help improve a website's backlink profile:

  • Guest posting: Guest posting involves creating content for other websites in exchange for a backlink to your site. This strategy can help you reach a new audience, build relationships with other websites, and improve your backlink profile.
  • Broken link building: Broken link building involves finding broken links on other websites and offering a replacement link to your own content. This strategy can help you earn high-quality backlinks while providing value to other websites by fixing their broken links.
  • Skyscraper technique: The skyscraper technique involves creating high-quality, in-depth content that is better than what is currently available on other websites, and then reaching out to those sites to ask them to link to your content instead. This strategy can help you earn backlinks from high-quality websites and improve your overall authority.
  • Resource page link building: Resource page link building involves finding resource pages on other websites and suggesting your content as a valuable addition to the page. This strategy can help you earn backlinks from relevant websites and improve your overall backlink profile.
  • Link reclamation: Link reclamation involves finding mentions of your brand or content on other websites that don't currently include a link to your site, and reaching out to ask for a link to be added. This strategy can help you reclaim lost backlinks and improve your overall backlink profile.

Overall, the most effective backlink strategy will depend on your specific goals, target audience, and industry. It's important to approach backlink building with a long-term mindset, focusing on building relationships, providing value, and creating high-quality content that others will want to link to.