Top Picks: 35 Best Content Management (CMS)

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Below is an incomplete list of CMS systems. A content management system (CMS) is software that allows for the creation, modification and deletion of Web content. Popular examples include Joomla!, Drupal and WordPress. Many CMSes provide a facility to publish Web pages in multiple languages, a multi-user capability, maintenance and backup. In the past couple of years there has been innovations in CMS called "headless" and Static Site Generators (SSGs).

Good to know...

There are several different types of content management systems (CMS), including:

  1. Web CMS: These are the most common type of CMS and are designed to manage content for websites. Examples include WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.
  2. Document CMS: These are used to manage documents and files, such as PDFs and Microsoft Office documents. Examples include Microsoft SharePoint and Alfresco.
  3. Digital asset management (DAM) systems: These are used to manage media files such as photos, videos, and audio files. Examples include Adobe Experience Manager and Bynder.
  4. Enterprise CMS: These are designed for larger organizations and are used to manage multiple websites, intranets, and other digital properties. Examples include Sitecore and Liferay.
  5. E-commerce CMS: These are specifically designed for managing online stores and product catalogs. Examples include Shopify and WooCommerce.
  6. Headless CMS: These are decoupled CMS that only manage content and provide an API to access the content, allowing developers to use any technology for the frontend. Examples include Strapi and Contentstack.

These are just a few examples of the many types of content management systems available. Each CMS has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on the specific needs of the organization.


I hear a lot about CMS plugins and extensions. What are they? 

CMS plugins are software add-ons that extend the functionality of a content management system (CMS). They provide additional features and capabilities that are not included in the core CMS platform.

CMS plugins are often created by third-party developers and can be installed and activated by website owners or administrators. Plugins can be used to enhance website functionality, improve website performance, add new features, and customize the user experience.

Some common examples of CMS plugins include:

  1. Social media integration: Plugins that allow website owners to easily integrate social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, into their website.
  2. E-commerce plugins: Plugins that add e-commerce functionality to a website, such as shopping cart functionality, payment gateways, and product management.
  3. SEO plugins: Plugins that help optimize a website for search engines by providing features such as keyword optimization, sitemap generation, and meta tag management.
  4. Contact form plugins: Plugins that provide easy-to-use contact forms that allow website visitors to contact the website owner or administrator.
  5. Security plugins: Plugins that enhance website security by providing features such as firewall protection, malware scanning, and spam filtering.
  6. Performance optimization plugins: Plugins that help optimize website performance by caching content, optimizing images, and minimizing file sizes.

Overall, CMS plugins are an important part of extending the functionality of a CMS, allowing website owners to add new features and capabilities to their website without the need for custom development.


Why do businesses choose a CMS to manage their content?

There are several reasons why teams choose a CMS for their website:

  1. Ease of use: A CMS allows non-technical team members to easily create and manage website content without the need for extensive technical knowledge or coding skills. This means that website updates can be made quickly and efficiently, freeing up time for other tasks.
  2. Collaboration: A CMS allows multiple team members to collaborate on website content, with built-in workflows for content creation, editing, and publishing. This ensures that content is high-quality and consistent, and that team members can easily track the progress of content development.
  3. Customizability: A CMS allows teams to customize the look and feel of their website to match their brand identity, with the ability to choose from a variety of templates, themes, and plugins.
  4. Scalability: A CMS allows teams to easily add new pages and content to their website as their business grows, without the need for significant additional development work.
  5. SEO-friendliness: Many CMS platforms are built with SEO in mind, with features such as customizable URLs, meta tags, and sitemap generation. This means that teams can easily optimize their website for search engines, helping to increase their online visibility and drive more traffic to their site.
  6. Integration capabilities: A CMS can integrate with other tools and services, such as marketing automation platforms, e-commerce platforms, and social media platforms, providing teams with a centralized hub for their online activities.

Overall, a CMS provides teams with a user-friendly platform for website development, allowing them to create and manage website content efficiently and effectively, while also providing the flexibility and scalability needed to support their business growth.


What are some key steps when considering a CMS?

Here are some key steps to consider when selecting a CMS:

  1. Determine your requirements: Before selecting a CMS, it is important to determine your specific needs and requirements. Consider factors such as the type of content you will be publishing, the level of customization you require, and the features you need to support your business goals.
  2. Evaluate available options: Once you have identified your requirements, research and evaluate the CMS options available that meet your needs. This includes considering factors such as cost, ease of use, available features and functionality, and community support.
  3. Test the CMS: Before making a final decision, it is important to test the CMS to ensure it meets your needs. This includes installing the CMS on a test server, creating sample content, and evaluating how easy it is to use and customize.
  4. Consider scalability and flexibility: As your business grows, your CMS needs may change. Therefore, it is important to select a CMS that is flexible and scalable enough to accommodate future growth.
  5. Look at support and documentation: Ensure that the CMS has sufficient support and documentation available, so that you can troubleshoot issues and learn how to use the platform effectively.
  6. Consider security: Security is an important consideration when selecting a CMS. Look for a platform that has a strong security track record and is regularly updated to address any potential vulnerabilities.
  7. Get feedback: Consider seeking feedback from others who have used the CMS you are considering. This includes online reviews, community forums, and talking to colleagues who have experience with the platform.